After offering her personal lingerie to her fans lingerie Sherlyn Chopra is now sharing her teenage secret with her admirers. Here's what she has to say:
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and if the beholder is highly demanding, what he/she seeks for is perfection.
For some, a perfect body means having muscle mass and fat in proportion to one’s height. For others, it may mean more than just muscle mass and body fat. For me, it’s also about having amazing features. And one cannot enhance one’s features in a gymnasium!
I’m talking about procedures such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, lip augmentation, chin augmentation, teeth correction, etc., etc. which cannot be achieved without the intervention of a team of medical experts.
Today cosmetic surgeons offer medical expertise, which is 100 per cent risk free. The specialists who are incredibly good at what they do leave minimal or no scars at all.
Also they give the best drugs to help the human body embrace alien bodies such as implants. The bottom line is that I’m not putting my life at risk in my quest for perfection. However, I ’m not endorsing cosmetic surgeries. At the same time I don’t condemn them either.
All through my teenage life, I’ve had a flat chest. Sometimes, I wondered if God had forgotten to give me breasts. It was only recently, a couple of years ago, that I had decided to get surgically enhanced breasts. I can’t thank myself enough for having made that decision. Now, what is wrong with that decision? Should I feel condemned because I tampered with Nature?
Should I feel guilty for having gone under the knife to have assets that have not only enhanced my sex appeal but also helped me embrace my body and say “I love you”?
The society we live in has always taught us to believe that a woman of substance is one who has great virtues and moral values. One who leads her life with integrity . Does this definition change for a woman who has envious tangible assets or one who desires to have them?
I believe tangible and intangible assets can co-exist. They are not mutually exclusive. Which means it would not be incorrect to say that going under the knife does no harm to one’s inner most being.
It only changes the superficial body. And if the changes are phenomenal, there might be slight arrogance that comes with it which is perfectly fine.
Actually better.
Arrogance in moderation does wonders to one’s personality. That is another subject which I would like to talk about another time. And one more thing. As human beings, we tend to keep our bad/dirty secrets locked up in a closet. And we share the ‘good’ things about our lives with the world. I need to know since when has getting one’s breasts enhanced become a ‘bad’ thing? And if it isn’t so, then why do people raise eyebrows every time I admit to having my breasts enhanced upon being asked.
Natural breasts look quite different from the surgically enhanced breasts. The latter look firmer and rounder. That makes my chances of lying about / denying breast enhancement nil.
However, if I do make an attempt to lie or simply say “No comments”, I’d be making a mockery of myself.
My pseudo-intellectual friends say that a woman of substance does not talk about her physical / tangible assets, breasts in particular.
Well, may be she does. May be she does not. As for me, I shall speak to them - and of them - as long as they don’t give in to the Law of Gravity.
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