Amitabh Bachchan will be paid Rs 2.25 per episode of Bigg Boss. Previously, it was said that he would be paid Rs 1.25 crore per episode but later he was signed at the big amount. The show will have 84 episodes and he will appear once in a week at the elimination day and also on the special episodes of wild card entries. From this reality show, he will earn a big sum between Rs 30 to Rs 40 crore. “When Amitabh Bachchan was approached for the show, the channel and the production house expected the payment figures to be big,” the source said. “Negotiations started with Rs4 crore per episode and ended at about Rs2.25 crore. The channel decided to invest big money to create maximum buzz.”
Big B is a big name in the industry and so the Bigg Boss producer does not hesitate to pay him the whopping amount. They know very well that Amitabh will mount the TRP of the show thrice than what was before. With this high amount, Amitabh Bachchan becomes the highest paid host.Salman Khan charges 1 crore per episode of ‘Dus Ka Dum’, Shahrukh Khan and Akshay Kumar too paid 1 crore per episode for ‘Panchvi Pass’ and ‘Khatron Ka Khiladi’.
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