Tuesday 15 December 2009

Dia Mirza gets marriage proposal from stalker

For years he had stalked actress Dia Mirza but on December 10 he dared to show up at her residence with a bouquet, a ring, and proposed marriage to her.

Pretty lass Dia Mirza isn’t new to adulation from her admirers but this fanatic fan gave her the heebie-jeebies. According to Dia, the stalker has been following her for years but she didn’t bother because he kept his distance.

But on December 10, a day after her birthday, the stalker disguised himself as a florist and managed to get past the security because the actress had received many bouquets on her birthday the day before.

Upon seeing Dia, the man, allegedly in his early 30s, got down on his knees, presented her a card and a ring and proposed marriage. Dia was totally nonplussed for a few moments. Luckily for her, her trusted driver was around and he got hold of the man and sent him scurrying after a stern warning.

Dia says the stalker is apparently an educated man, probably a doctor. But she has filed a police complaint against him. The security guards in her building have also been cautioned to look out for the stalker.

He better stay away.

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