Thursday 13 August 2009

Sanjay Dutt fires media over Ajmal Kasab

Actor Sanjay, who is charged under the Arms Act, is still fighting for his freedom. The actor, nevertheless, has moved on in life – be it films or then standing on election podiums and giving bhaashans. Sanjay Dutt, however, in a recent conversation with an actor-friend was agitated with the amount of publicity Ajmal Kasab has been getting. And he blames the media for making a hero of this terrorist who claimed lives!

“Why are the media making a hero of Ajmal? I don’t understand it,” said Sanjay Dutt, “Ajmal Kasab is a terrorist! Yet, the media write about what he eats in jail, how he wishes to meet Amitabh Bachchan.... It’s so stupid. People like Kasab need to be dealt with seriously,” said Dutt.

When we chose to bring up his case, Sanju simply stated, “The media has the right to report the truth, they have the right to report facts. So yes, please report everything about me, if you have to... but get the facts correct. Don’t write that I am being tried for the ‘Mumbai Blast case’ when I’m actually being tried under the Arms Act. That’s wrong information,” he said, agitatedly.

About his career in politics, Sanjay Dutt said that the aspirations were still sky high. “It’s actually the 26/11 attack that made me want to get into politics and do something for the country. People were agitated on that day. They came and lit candles, but everything seems to have fizzled out now. That’s sad.” About his election stint, Sanjay Dutt was most shocked with the ‘love and warmth’ he received.

Actually even my Munnabhai image has got people thinking that I can cure... that’s not true. But they are fans... Contesting is not easy. A politician has a tough job to do. And giving bhashans is the toughest of it all, especially for me, a man of few words,” he said.

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