Wednesday 27 May 2009

Dressless painting of Madonna and Guy for auction

The singing star could not avoid the oil painting featuring Madonna and her former husband Guy Ritchie naked from being auctioned openly..

The controversial painting by artist Peter Howson was made in 2005, while the former duo divorced last year.

In the painting, Madonna is featured reclining while Guy’s hand is placed on her thigh.

McTear’’s auction house in controversial painting to fetch a whopping 22,000 pounds.

“There is no doubt that the recent split of Madonna and Guy has generated increased interest in the painting,” the Telegraph quoted Brian Clements from the auctioneers as saying.

“The painting created a huge amount of controversy when it was unveiled a few years ago and I think it’’s safe to say it is one of a kind,” Brian added.

Howson is known for painting multifarious naked celebrity portraits

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