Tuesday 26 May 2009

Rekha too young for 'lifetime' Award!

Time might have raced ahead for her contemporaries, but certainly not for our Rekha. This is what the glamorous actress seemed to have in mind when she refused to accept a “Lifetime Achievement” award from Government of Maharashtra.

Result? The Government of Maharashtra had to change the title of Raj Kapoor Smriti Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar to Pratibha Gaurav Puraskar to please the ageless diva.

Says a source from the government, who did not wish to be named, “She called us and asked us to change the name of the award. She felt that a lifetime achievement award gives the illusion that all the work in one’s career has been done. ‘I still have a lot of unfinished work’ she said to us. We decided to change the name of the award.”

The ceremony will be held in Pune on May 30, and will be graced by Chief Minister Ashok Chavan and Deputy Chief Minister, Chhagan Bhujbal.

We wonder if Aamir Khan might also want the award title renamed as he too has received the same award from Maharashtra govt.

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