Friday 29 May 2009

Preeti's Shower for an hour!

We caught up with the petite actress for a short tête-à-tête before her performance at the engagement ceremony of Swati Jayaswal yesterday. "I have been shooting for an offbeat Bollywood flick starring Sanjay Suri and Divya Dutta and quite a few movies down South. Plus, many stage shows across the country have taken up a lot of my time. And above all, it is my married life, which is really keeping me on my toes. It is almost a full-time job and I am enjoying this beautiful phase of life," she says.

My hubby keeps complaining
The actress who tied the knot with actor Parvin Dabas a year back can't stop herself from singing hosannas for her hubby dearest. "Parvin is like the proverbial knight in shining armour who has a solution to every problem of mine. Whether it's my personal life or my career, he has been my greatest support system," she says with a grin. Ask whether her Prince Charming has changed from the lover boy to a typical hubby material after marriage and she breaks into a giggle, "Nothing has changed after marriage and probably this is the best part. But, nowadays he keeps on complaining that I am not giving much time to him. When we are together and in a holidaying mode, we travel a lot, catch up with our friends and make the most of our free time."

No issues with skin show
When it comes to doing glamorous roles, marriage has not curtailed her liberal attitude a wee bit. Post marriage too, the actress has no qualms in revealing that extra inch, but she adds, "I will do it only if the role demands. I don't want to go for skin show just for the heck of it or to boost my career graph." With a pause, she adds, "I may have taken some wrong decisions in my acting career, but now I will do films, which give me creative satisfaction."

Eat right and work out
Ask Preeti about the way she has maintained her perfect 10 figure and she laughs, "Fitness is a disease now and I think everyone is into it. My fitness mantra is eating right and working out right. We have a notion that only obese people need to work out to shed those extra kilos, but slim ones have to work out more to maintain that hourglass figure."

On Nagpur
The actress, who has visited the city twice, says, "I had heard about Nagpur's sizzling heat, which is said to be unbearable. But, this time I witnessed it firsthand! I felt so hot after my dance rehearsals that I had to take a shower for an hour!”

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