Tuesday 26 May 2009

Shilpa smitten by Wild life beauty in SA

Shilpa Shetty might have failed to lift the IPL2 trophy but she returned back from South Africa with some sweet experiences and memories which she will treasured throughout her life. She is totally smitten by the wild life beauty in SA.

In her blog, Shilpa gave a brief description of her trip to South Africa, she wrote, "I did a safari in Singita, a thrilling hot air balloon trip, went to the lion park and actually played with the cubs, something unusual. It was amazing to see a wild animal in such a vulnerable playful state”.

"I fed ostriches and got pecked by one! And also fed a giraffe, they have the longest purple tongues, wrapped it around my hand, leaving its saliva all over it, eeow! But what fun”.

During her stay in South Africa, Shilpa enjoyed a lot.

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